Grave Desecrator | it

1) Massgrave are from the northwest coast of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They play a mixture of crust punk and grindcore, similar to Disrupt, Warcollapse, Doom, Extreme Noise Terror, Napalm Death, etc. Lyrically they write about such topics as anarchism, marijuana, anti-war and animal liberation. They describe their style as "cannabis crust". 2) Noise punk from Japan with one tape out on Hardcore Survives, also featured in Heal compilation .
I Grave Digger sono un gruppo musicale Heavy Metal Tedesco fondato nel 1980 da Chris Boltendahl. Il sound del gruppo è contraddistinto da temi cupi, dalla voce di carta vetrata di Boltendahl, dalla grande velocità di esecuzione e dal suono allo stesso tempo ruvido e melodico. Nel mondo, i Grave Digger sono una delle band Tedesche più prolifiche, ma anche una delle più sottovalutate, che ha contribuito in maniera determinante all'accrescimento della scena Metal. Nel primo periodo la band suona solo nei piccoli locali fino a pubblicare nel 1983 due canzoni nella compilation Rock from Hell grazie alle quali viene...
Graveyard Train's official bio, located at In retrospect it's obvious that horror and country music go together like peas and carrots - it just took Graveyard Train to show us. Utilising old timey instruments (banjos, dobros, washboard) with the unorthodox percussion of hammer & chain, all underneath a six part baritone 'wall of men' vocal delivery, Graveyard Train have created a unique sound and an equally unique way to deliver it. Over the past 3 years Graveyard Train have risen in popularity to become an an underground sensation in the Australian music scene. Selling out every Melbourne show for...
There are at least 3 bands named Gravemind. 1. Gravemind is a Death Metal/Deathcore band from Melbourne, Australia. The Hateful One EP streaming now through 2.) Formed in May '07 by Drummer, Chris Williams, Gravemind have been making a name for themselves in their local county and surrounding areas. Blowing away audiences and rival bands with their performances of Metallica, Iron Maiden and many other legendary band's songs, the band's original material has been gradualy introduced and has been recieved with a warm Heavy Metal welcome. In July 2008, they recorded their first E.P. (Prelude To An Epic) featuring...