Maldita Ambição | it

La Floa Maldita gets their name from a term used in South American to describe a nice flower poppy. The poppy described is also the key ingredient for a narcotic that is highly addictive and has the potential to cause death. Coincidentally this term can also be used to describe their music. Their songs start nice and continue to build and change into something more powerful and sometimes lethal. La Floa Maldita was originally formed in 1992 by the multitalented Guido LeFric. His original intent was to have an outlet to do movie scores. However things quickley changed and Rhea...
As Cobras Malditas As Cobras Malditas são uma banda de rock n’ roll peculiar, desde a formação não usual até sua performance calorosa nos palcos. Rogério Tarantino e Marcelo Schenberg empunham suas guitarras e slides em uma guerra sonora, onde Psycho, histérico vocalista, e Zé, com sua bateria cavernosa, clamam por suor e ruído. A partir de influências dos blues primitivos e obscuridades cruas produzidas desde os anos 50, esses quatro rapazes decidiram extinguir o contrabaixo, para assim moldar seu som único. A banda destila um rock de garagem venenoso, mas com um pé na catarse espiritual, criado em grande...
Maldita is an industrial metal band from Brazil formed in mid-2001 by erich. Erich Mariani producing homemade horror films, along with tarsus, then began to express their messages in music. the band originally was named Malachi, named after the character of Stephen King, and had influence from bands like Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, and his greatest inspiration Faith No More. In 2003, while preparing their first demo, bassist Magrão enters the band, and later that year, and Vidaut Leo Osborne, who worked in the production of the demo, also joined the band. from there the band...
Maldita Nerea lo forman Jorge Ruiz Flores a la voz y la guitarra, Carlos Molina al bajo, Luis Gomez a la guitarra y Sergio Bernal a la bateria. Con una media de edad de 25 años, este cuarteto de Murcia lleva bastantes años preparandose para el lanzamiento definitivo de su carrera. Todos han pasado por diferentes formaciones y proyectos hasta coincidir en Maldita Nerea. Todo ha sido cuestion de perseverancia, ganas de superarse y fe en sí mismos. Primero empezaron dando pequeños conciertos en Murcia y continuaron con actuaciones en locales de Salamanca , donde Jorge se traslado para continuar...
Maldita Vecindad y los Hijos del Quinto Patio is a Rock en español band formed in Mexico City in 1985. Since then, the band has collaborated with other bands, as well as having participated in tribute albums like the tributes for José José and Tigres del Norte. Their sound incorporates many styles, including Ska, Rock, and traditional Mexican forms such as the bolero. Roco, the band's vocalist, dresses in a manner reminiscent of the Pachuco, an archetypical character represented by Tin Tán in the Mexican cinema. Tin Tan is sampled in the group's biggest hit, 1991's Pachuco. They recently came...
Trovato 14 canzoni, durata: 31:42
Maldita Ambição
Alicia (Maldita Ambição Pt. 2)
Culto ao Terror
Guerra Civil
Capitalismo Mal Incurável
País do Carnaval
Horrores da Guerra
Despertar da Consciência
Política, ambição maldita