Monkey Mob | it

Gli Arctic Monkeys, tradotto le Scimmie Artiche, sono un' indie-rock band formatasi ad High Green, periferia della città di Sheffield, nel nord dell' Inghilterra. I loro primi due singoli, ovvero "I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor" e "When The Sun Goes Down" scalano immediatamente le classifiche UK e l' album di debutto, "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not", supera il record di vendite, dapprima detenuto dagli Oasis con "Definitely Maybe", di un album nel giro di una settimana. Dopo questo travolgente ed incredibile successo, la band vince anche il titolo di "Best New Act" alla...
FUNKY MONKEY BABYS (ファンキー・モンキー・ベイビーズ) was a Japanese hip-hop trio under the Dreamusic label. The group was formed in 2004. In 2012, the group announced their disbandment after their nation-wide tour in 2013. The decision was made because DJ CHEMICAL started preparing to become the chief priest at a temple and won't have time to continue his musical activities. Members: Funky Kato (ファンキー加藤) Monkichi (モン吉) DJ CHEMICAL .
MONKEY MAJIK is a band formed in Sendai, Japan in 2000. The band consists of two canadians brothers, Maynard and Blaise Plant, and two Japanese members, drummer Takuya "Tax" Kikuchi and bass player Hideki "DICK". MONKEY MAJIK's music is energetic pop-rock with lyrics in both English and Japanese. One of the Plant brothers, Maynard (blanc.), came to Japan in 1997 as an English teacher and speaks fluent Japanese. He then later invited his brother, Blaise Plant, to Japan to form a band due to the interest of music that they shared. They have 7 original albums, 3 Mini-albums, 16 singles...
The Yellow Monkey (ザイエローモンキー), often abbreviated to yemon (イエモン), is a popular Japanese rock band formed in 1989. Its name derives from an ethnic slur and is an ironic reference to the belief that Japanese rock groups could never be "authentic". In 2003, HMV Records Japan rated them #81 in their "Top 100 Japanese pops Artists". Although band activities were ceased starting from January 2001, except for later releases of band material such as compilations and DVDs, The Yellow Monkey actually broke up on July 7, 2004. THE YELLOW MONKEY(ザ イエローモンキー)は、吉井和哉(LOVIN、ボーカル、ギター)、菊地英昭(EMMA、ギター)、廣瀬洋一(HEESEY、ベース)、菊地英二(ANNIE、ドラムス)の4名からなる日本のロックバンド。 1988年に結成、2001年1月より活動を停止し、2004年7月7日をもって解散した。 なお「イエローモンキー」とは主に西洋圏で使用される日本人に対する蔑称である。この名前は、ダサくてシニカルな名前にしたいと考えていた吉井によってつけられた。略称は、イエモン。 吉井和哉(よしい かずや、1966年10月8日 - ) ボーカル担当。通称ロビン(LOVIN)。東京都北区出身。解散後はYOSHII LOVINSON(2006年に吉井和哉に改名)として活動。  菊地英昭(きくち...