Karsten Koch | ja

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Karsten Koch, born in 1975, is an electronic musician.

Inspired by the music of Crazy Comets by Rob Hubbard, Karsten has been interested in computer music since 1987.
Karsten worked with a group known as Imago in 1992 to 1995 with Lutz Roeder and Thomas Schreiber, creating music for digital media presentations as well as having contributed music to a few computer games.

Their Scream Tracker module, Aryx, has been included with various module music players and trackers over the years, such as ModPlug Player & ModPlug Tracker. Their tracker music was composed using software such as ModEdit 1.0, ScreamTracker 3, Fasttracker 2.0, and Imago Orpheus.

Karsten still composes music leisurely today. .