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A merging of minds, a merging of sounds, a merging of geographies and spirits. Non-Human Persons is a Berlin-based duo that embarked on a mutual sonic journey in 2008 at the thresholds of modern theatre and techno. Lee and Mihau are the yin and yang of their musical creations, the ethereal, vulnerable Lee embodying feminity and mystery, her vocals caressing the resolute synth&drum-machine -sourced sounds courtesy of Mihau. From noise via experimental electronics and synthwave, their latest aural incarnation manifests the influence of their chosen home – Berlin. Searching for that inner state of mind where sound flows freely in a linear movement and evolves into a trance-like, augmented reality through experimental electronics sometimes with the addition of processed guitar and always including live vocal processing. They have appeared at leading festivals and events including: Primavera Sound (Spain), Pop Montreal (Canada), CMJ (USA), OFF Festival (Poland), Zandari Seoul(South Korea), VMW(Lithuania), etc. .


