Scotty Hard | ja

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In the summer of 1988, Scott Harding (a.k.a. Scotty Hard), a native of Canada, heard the first rebellious wails of saxaphone on P.E.'s "Rebel Without A Pause," permanently altering his destiny. With 10 years involvement in the independent, alternative music in Vancouver, B.C. under his belt, Scotty packed his bags and moved to New York City with the hopes of joining the new hip hop revolution flourishing there.

His initiation into the New York beat underground began at the legendary Chung King House of Metal and famed Calliope Studios, two of Manhattan's premier hip-hop sound factories. It was at Calliope in 1989 that Scotty settled for 3 or 4 years, working with such artists as Prince Paul, De La Soul, the Jungle Brothers, Ultramagnetic MC's, Jazzy Jay, DJ Mark the 45 King, Stetsasonic, Brand Nubian, Black Sheep, Louie Vega, Fat Joe, Stereo MC's, PM Dawn, Major Force Posse, and The Lifer's Group.

In 1990, Scotty met Jason Furman and Sebastian Laws who were just forming the group New Kingdom. Scotty produced their first demo and eventually their two critically-acclaimed albums for Gee Street Records, also playing electric guitar in New Kingdom's live shows. Currently, Scotty plays in and produces his new outfit, Truck Stop, also featuring Laws.

Scotty's affiliation with WordSound came through Kevin Martin, a British journalist/producer, and mutual friend of Skiz Fernando. After contributing fat performances to Crooklyn Dub, Volumes 2 &3 both Subterranean Hitz compilations, and projects by Slotek and Dubadelic, Scotty makes his debut solo appearance on .


