Stuurbaard Bakkebaard | ja

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Another "Eindhoven Rockcity" band: 'bakkebaard' means "sideburn" in English. Their play is energetic, adventurous and passionate. They sing in several languages, mostly Bollocks.

The band describe their music as:

1) Filthy pop
2) Far from perfect
3) Never smooth. Rough around the edges.
4) Throw a groove in here and there, albeit a strange one
5) Comparisons? Difficult to find - Tom Waits' great grandfather perhaps? Or a long lost cousin of Tom Barman? An estranged in-law of G-Love?
6) Theme? Line? Concept? Idea?
7) Aaaaah!
8) Impulsive but no ‘noodling’ - that’s for jazz sycophants. And no ‘improvisation’ – that’s for conservatorium students.
9) In your face, rugged but intelligent (just).
10) Atmosphere? Nightclub. One of those sleazy red-light district arrangements. The bar man misses a front-tooth and the door guy has only three fingers on his left hand.

That's it.

Oh, wait, it's not.

Stuurbaard Bakkebaard used to be a duo, then a three-piece, then a four-piece with DJ DNA, but nowadays it's the good old three-piece again:

Marc Koppen
Timo van Veen
Onno Kortland

Thank you. .


