Ellen De Lima | ja

In 2003 the two German musicians Detlef Dominiczak and Andreas Braun formed and created Wellenfeld, shaped from the electronic music from the last 20 years. They let influences exist from this time in their own sound, have however not the requirement "to invent again the wheel"but to mix different styles and develop them further. .
Several ensembles have been using the name Kilimanjaro. The most prominent is an improvisational jazz project formed by members of the now defunct band As Tall As Lions. The members are: Saen Fitzgerald - Guitar Julio Tavarez - Bass Cliff Sarcona - Drums Duncan Toothill - Trumpet and keys http://www.kilimanjarocollective.com/ Another is a four piece thrash core band from Syracuse NY http://www.myspace.com/kilimanjaro315. The third one is a two dozen or so project based in Philadelphia, PA. The group was called together to produce soundtracks to some of Jonathan Olshefski's moving photo essays about the disenfranchised in Philadelphia called Whispers In...
Climax is a name that has been used multiple times. (1) The earliest is a Bolivian rock band from the 60s and 70s. (2) a US band, formed in 1970 in LA. (6) czech hardcore punk band from Český Brod Climax (1) was formed in the late 60s, but did not release a full album until 1974 (Gusano Mecánico). The album has been reissued with bonus tracks recorded in 1969 and 1970. Climax (2) was formed in 1970 in Los Angeles, California. Climax consisted of Marc Gordon, Larry Cox, John Stevenson, Walter Nims, and Sonny Geraci. Their most well known...