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There are at least fourteen bands known by Fragile: (1) Fragile (from Japan): a powerful jazz fusion trio formed by Koichi Yabori (guitar), Masatoshi Mizuno (bass) and Kozo Suganuma (drums). (2) Fragile (from England): a Yes cover band that often tours through Europe (sometimes with Steve Howe). Members are: Steve Carney (vocals), Jon Bastable Jnr (bass), Mitch Harwood (drums & vocals), Tom Dawe (guitar & vocals), Max Hunt (keyboards) and Robert Illes (lead guitar & vocals). (3)Fragile (France) - an ambient/IDM project of Hervé Thomas. One of the releases was made together with Dither, another one with Imagho. (4)...
Vigil was a mid to late 1980s modern rock band based out of Baltimore, Maryland. The band formed originally under the name Here Today out of the Baltimore's modern rock/gothic music scene in the early 80's. A single Whistle in the Yard drew some attention from CBS Records, and the band was signed. In 1985, the band changed its name to Vigil, but was dropped by CBS. Vigil was quickly signed by Chrysalis Records, and in 1987 released their debut self titled album "Vigil". Then band went on tour in support of this album as the opening act for The...
Vigiland is a Swedish DJ/music producing house music duo, made up of Claes Remmered Persson and Otto Pettersson. They became famous with the single "UFO" which is in the style of Melbourne Bounce, a slightly more hip hop and sharper variant of progressive house music. .
Gilberto Santa Rosa was born on 21 August 1962, in Puerto Rico and today is known as "El Caballero de la Salsa" (the gentleman of salsa). In 1976 he started with a group of amateurs in Puerto Rico, and his first recording was with the Mario Ortiz Orchestra. He then moved on to Orquesta La Grande, and during the two years Gilberto was with them, he met Mr. Elias Lopés who later helped mold and polish the promising young singer, releasing three recordings. In 1980, he got an important opportunity recording "Homenaje a Eddie Palmieri" with the Puerto Rico All...
ラテンとジャズの融合を実践したビ・バップの革命児 (1917~1993)  17年サウスカロライナ州生まれ。14歳でトロンボーンを始めるが、トランペットに転向。フィラデルフィアに移住後、地元バンドで演奏しはじめ、ロイ・エルドリッジ(tp)の影響を受ける。37年にテディ・ヒル楽団へ参加するが、同僚と衝突。39年にキャブ・キャロウェイ楽団に参加。リーダーに怪我を負わせ、こちらも退団。40年頃からハーレムのクラブでジャム・セッションに参加。ケニー・クラーク(ds)、セロニアス・モンク(p)らとビ・バップを確立。42年、アール・ハインズ楽団でチャーリー・パーカー(as)と出会い、頻繁に共演を重ねる。46年以降、断続的にビッグ・バンドを結成しアフロ・キューバン音楽の大衆化に貢献。歌手のジミー・ブライソンは実娘。93年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .