Özgür Abbak, M Tarkan Ergun | ja

タルカン・テヴェットール(Tarkan Tevetoğlu,1972年10月17日-)は、トルコの男性歌手。トルコのポップ・ミュージック界を代表する国民的な人気を持ち、欧州・北米各国にわたっても知られる国際的なスター歌手である。愛称はトルコの貴公子。 1992年におけるレコード会社イスタンブール・プラーク(Istanbul Plak)のオーナーであるメフメット・ソウトール(Mehmet Söğütoğlu)との出会いをきっかけとして、1993年、同社よりアルバム『Yine Sensiz』を発表、その70万枚のヒットを皮切りに本格的に歌手としてデビュー。 1994年、セカンド・アルバム『A-Acayipsin』が、国内にて200万枚、欧州にて75万枚のセールスを記録。トップスターとしての地位を獲得するに至る。 1999年にはドイツやフランスを主としてスイス、ベルギーなど欧州各国でシングル『Şımarık』が爆発的なヒットを記録、同年フランスにて開催されたWorld Music Awardで優勝を飾る。 2000年5月にはシングル『Şımarık』が邦題『Chu!Chu!は恋の合言葉』としてユニヴァーサル・クラシックより日本に発売され、アルバム『Chu!Chu!は恋の合言葉~トルコより愛をこめて』もまた同年に日本で発売された。 2002年には、シングル『Bir Oluruz Yolunda』が、FIFAワールドカップにおいて、トルコ代表チームの応援歌となる。 2004年度アテネオリンピックに際しては、その公式アルバム『UNITY』に参加、最終曲の『Pass The Flame』を歌唱している。 .
Since his early childhood in Frankfurt, LPs and singles were his favorite toys. His family's interest in music has played a great role on the growth of his love for music. In 1985, the family decided to move to Istanbul where his career as a DJ was going to begin. His professional music career started, when he became a DJ on one of the famous radio stations in Turkey. Right after showing up in the music scene as a radio DJ, he started to perform at the biggest clubs in Istanbul. Running fast in his music career, he had to...
Özgür Can was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1982 and he is Turkish. Grew up in a family where music was present at all times. Ever since then a large part of his life has evolved around beats, tones and grooves of all shapes. Right now, Özgür Can is getting a lot of attention worldwide with his music. His storming productions and explosive DJ sets have already made him one of the most respected figures on the scene. From being one of the many bedroom producers, Özgür has now turned into being one of the biggest talents hailing from the...
Kudsi Erguner, (born 1952) is a Turkish musician. He is considered a master of traditional Mevlevi Sufi and is one of the best-known players of the Turkish ney flute. He was born in Diyarbakır, Turkey in 1952. As a boy, Kudsi and his father Ulvi Erguner performed hypnotic and spiritual dance rituals from the Mevlevi-Sufi tradition at Dervish ceremonies. He started his musical career in Istanbul Radio in 1969. For several decades now, he has researched into the earliest roots of Ottoman music which he has also taught, performed and recorded. In the seventies Kudsi Erguner moved to Paris where,...