The DeJohn Sisters | ja

シザー・シスターズは2001年に結成したニュー・ヨーク出身の4人組。 ゲイ・ファッションに身を包んだジェイク(vo)とアナ(vo&dance)がハロウィーン・パーティーで出会い意気投合 メンバーを集めてバンドを結成。ロックでディスコ・ミュージックを表現するべく エルトン・ジョン、デヴィッド・ボウイ、ロキシー・ミュージックなどに影響を受けたサウンドと ユーモアのある歌詞で各地のクラブなどに出没していたが、ロンドンでパフォーマンスしていたところ レコード会社の目に止まり、04年『シザー・シスターズ』で世界デビューを果たす。 これがあっという間に大ヒットとなり、全英1位はもちろん250万枚以上もの売上げを記録。 このヒットで逆にアメリカでも注目されるようになった。彼らの魅力は演奏技術の高さはもちろん、 パーティの喜怒哀楽が踊れるポップ・チューンとして昇華されているということ。 酸いも甘いもかみ分けた大人のゲイ・クイーンにしか成しえない世界を繰り広げているのだ。 .
The Pointer Sisters is an American vocal group originally of four sisters out of the West Oakland Church of God where their father was a preacher. Under management & production of David Rubinson & later Richard Perry, the sisters became a hugely successful act throughout the '70s & '80s, creating a two-and-a-half decades long career. Amongst the many hit tracks included "Jump (For My Love)", "He's So Shy", "Happiness", "Fairytale" and "Neutron Dance". They had many record labels starting with their first failed single on Atlantic on through to long periods with Blue Thumb, Planet, RCA, and later Motown and...
The DeJohn Sisters were an American pop music duo of the 50s. They are best known for their hit song "(My Baby Don't Love Me) No More" (also known as "No More" or by other titles), which was written by the sisters with music by their brother Leo in 1955. The single (catalog #9085) reached #6 on the 'Billboard Hot 100' chart and #8 on the Billboard Best Sellers chart, being included in many multi-artist compilation albums since. .
Rest In Peace our friend Peter Richardson who was guitarist in the band from 1984-86. A true original who will be sadly missed. The Passmore Sisters 1984-1988. See also Fever Hut and Brian E Roberts. Coming from Bradford in November 1984 the Passmore Sisters formed to write songs about "politics and girlfriends" the band’s first recording in September 1985 appeared on a 3-track EP titled '3 Love Songs' , with the A side Dance The House Down spitting with anger, all 3 tracks displayed a distinctive cheap up-beat indie pop not too dissimilar to that of fellow Yorkshire pop merchants,...
見つかりました 12 曲, デュレーション: 28:25
6 -Love_Is_The_Tender_Trap
2 -Big_D_1956
4 -Hes_Got_Time_1957
5 -Hotta_Chocolotta_1956
1 -A_Present_For_Bob_1955
3 -Cest_La_Vie_1955
Mah' Little Baby
Hotta Chocolotta
Love Is The Tender Trap
A Present For Bob
[180] (My Baby Don't Love Me) No More