Modern Day Philosophers | ja

Modern Talking was a German pop music duo consisting of composer/producer/background singer Dieter Bohlen and singer Thomas Anders founded in Berlin in early 1983. It was the single most successful pop group in Germany (by sales). First formed at the end of 1984 (Anders was 21), they unexpectedly became immensely popular with their standalone disco hit "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", which was then followed by "You Can Win If You Want" and "Cheri, Cheri Lady". They released two albums a year from 1985 to 1987 while also promoting their singles on television all over Europe. After splitting up...
室内楽とジャズを融合させた稀代の功労者たち  クラシックに傾倒するジョン・ルイス(p)の趣向を、モダン・ジャズ界の名手たちとグループ・サウンドに昇華した名門コンボ。51年、ディジー・ガレスピー(tp)のビッグ・バンドの構成員だったルイス、ミルト・ジャクソン(vib),パーシー・ヒース(b)、ケニー・クラーク(ds)の4人で活動を開始。翌年にレギュラー化し、対位法を採り入れた室内楽曲にファンキー・ジャズの即興性を融合する画期的実験を進める。55年からクラークがコニー・ケイ(ds)に代わり、メトロノーム誌の人気コンボのトップに躍り出た。楽理と演奏力を一体化させた名作を連発。ジャズの領域を脱し映画音楽や組曲にも挑戦した。74年11月のニューヨークでのコンサートで、実質的解散となった。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Modern Jazz was an electro-based live performance group assembled and co-ordinated by Ash Wednesday. Not a conventional group by any means, Modern Jazz was carefully designed to constantly evolve and change form, to include various configurations of numerous and diverse select musicians and artists. It was to exist, therefore, as a vehicle for creative input from a varied extent of sources. This input was often directed towards the idea of mating computer generated sound and vision to human spontanaiety (perhaps stange bedfellows to the uninitiated). When viewed from this angle, the name 'Modern Jazz', however ironic, was specifically descriptive. .
Modern Love is a punk band from Oslo, Norway. They have released a demo tape under the name Strike a Match. A split 7" with Bernays Propaganda was released in March 2013. They have songs on the Bransjevelter 7, 8 and 11 compilations on Fysisk Format. In May 2014 Lilla Himmel released their 4-track 7" called Small Stone EP. Their first LP Tross alt was released in July 2017. Listen on their bandcamp, .
Mathématiques Modernes was a French coldwave duo active in the early 1980s, consisting of Parisian Socialite and It-Girl Edwige Braun-Belmore and synthesizer musician Claude Arto. The duo released two singles and one album called "Les Visiteurs Du Soir". The cover art of their records was created by the legendary Pierre and Gilles. .
見つかりました 47 曲, デュレーション: 09:01:04
S3: Ep.27: Maz Jobrani and Al-Farabi
S4: Ep.48: Robert Klein and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
S3: Ep. 35: Mike Tsirklin and Plutarch
S4: Ep.41: Shaun Latham and Thomas Reid
S6: Ep.63: Dante Nero and Georg Simmel
S3: Ep.32: Eddie Brill and Peter Singer
S4: Ep.44: Adam Lustick and Aristotle
S4: Ep.39: Carl Reiner and Maimonides
S4: Ep. 38: Kliph Nesteroff and Bertrand Russell
S4: Ep.40: Reggie Watts and John Cage
S6: Ep.69: Liz Miele and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
S7: Ep.80: Kurt Braunohler and Harry Frankfurt
S7: Ep.75: Dan Schlissel and E.H. Carr
S6: Ep.64: Owen Benjamin and Agrippa The Skeptic
S3: Ep. 26: Kelly Carlin and Ralph Waldo Emerson
S6: Ep.66: JT Habersaat and William of Ockham
S4: Ep.46: Roy Wood Jr. and Benjamin Franklin
S6: Ep.67: Henry Phillips and Marquis de Sade
S3: Ep.33: Dylan Brody and Voltaire
S3: Ep.28: Todd Glass and John Locke
S6: Ep.68: Jason Zumwalt and Augustine of Hippo
Season 3:Ep. 25: Marc Maron and Baruch Spinoza
S3: Ep.34: Helen Hong and Confucius
Season 4: Ep.37: Larry Miller and Albert Camus
S3: Ep.29: Mike Lawrence and Cicero
S7: Ep.78: Cash Peters and Albert Schweitzer
S5: Ep.59: Dawn Luebbe and Chrysippus
S6: Ep.71: Darryl Lenox and Thomas More
S4: Ep.45: Paul Provenza and Saul Kripke
S7: Ep.76: Pat Cooper and Marcus Aurelius
S7: Ep.79: Gad Elmaleh and Roland Barthes
S7: Ep.77: Tom Rhodes and Seneca the Younger
S5: Ep.55: Jared Logan and Leo Tolstoy
S5: Ep.56: Todd Barry and Francis Bacon
S3: Ep.36: Greg Fitzsimmons and David Hume
S5: Ep.51: Susie Essman and Niccolo Machiavelli
S3: Ep.31: Andy Kindler and Michel Foucault
S4: Ep.43: Shecky Greene and Blaise Pascal
S5: Ep.50: Wyatt Cenac and Boethius
S4: Ep.42: Aisha Tyler and Roger Scruton
Season 5: Ep.49: Colin Quinn and Dante Alighieri
S5: Ep.58: Jordon Ferber and C.S. Lewis
Season 6: Ep.61: Jackie Mason and Martin Luther
S5: Ep.54: Joe Franklin and Henri Bergson
Season 7: Ep.73: Doug Stanhope and Plotinus
S6: Ep.72: Brian Regan and Paul Feyerabend
S5: Ep.57: Marty Allen and John Stuart Mill