10 A New Silent Corporation | ja

1 2010年夏に結成。プラチナムプロダクションに所属している。略称は「サイサイ」。 メンバーの山内あいなは、ジュニアアイドル出身の山内愛菜である。定期的にライブ活動を行っており、その際はサポートギターのみっちーが参加する。 2012年2月8日、インディーズデビュー。2枚のミニアルバムをリリース。 2012年11月14日、メジャーデビューを果たす。 メンバー すぅ(吉田菫):ボーカル&ギター ひなんちゅ(梅村妃奈子):ドラム あいにゃん(山内あいな):ベース ゆかるん(黒坂優香子):キーボード 2012年9月13日加入 元メンバー やな(寒川綾奈):シンセサイザー 2012年7月31日卒業 2 .
There are at least three artists with the name Silent Majority. 1. Silent Majority formed on long island in the mid-90's and became one of the most influential hardcore bands from the area. Tom currently sings for Capital. Many people consider them to be the best hardcore band originating from Long Island of their time Silent Majority started 1990, as something of a joke band called Splastic Action. The band was started by Tommy Corrigan on vocals, Rich Jacovina on guitar, Jim Mallin on bass and I believe Tommy's brother Steve on drums. I'm pretty sure Ryan Heyner joined a...
A rock band with violins and a cello. Most people have shown mixed reactions to this mixture; some are amazed, some are doubtful, some are just plain interested. Truly, the sight of these classical instruments side-by-side with electric guitars is not really common. However, the truth is, this group of young individuals is just like any other band - they are set in making good music and sharing it to others. This is Silent Sanctuary. The band has been around the local music scene for quite sometime now. Though their kind of music has evolved through the years due to...
UNDEAD CORPORATION is a melodic death metal/metalcore band formed in Japan which consists of パインツリー (Pine Tree) from monochrome-coat as the arranger, rhythm guitarist, bassist and also the vocalist (occasionally). The others members are: 平野幸村 (Yukimura Hirano) from Unlucky Morpheus as the lead guitarist and former main vocalist of UNDEAD CORPORATION, 朱美 (Akemi) as the main female vocalist, ウェストヴィレッジ (West Village) as the main harsh vocalist and 森下フミヤ (Fumiya Morishita) as the drummer. The band was formed in 2010. The band has also invited few guests as lyricists and vocalists for some of their works, such as 天蓋冬樹 (Fuyuki Tenge),...
There are at least three artists called "Silent Knight." 1. Emerging from the New Jersey underground Urban performance circuit comes Silent Knight, a recording artist who brings a new glimmer of hope to Hip-Hop culture. This Brooklyn born - Tri State raised performer is an emcee whose electric stage presence and poignant lyrical abilities are smartly matched by his tastefully scathing social and political views. Since his childhood, Knight has lived throughout the Tri State Area, absorbing the sometimes painfully diverse cultural landscape to which he would soon lend his wisdom and talent through his music. Although Knight is known...