Sula Bassana | ja

Ursula 1000 is a lounge music project of DJ Alex Gimeno. Gimeno was born in Brooklyn, New York. During his childhood, he and his family moved to Miami Beach where his father, a musician, found steady work. He moved back to Brooklyn in the late 90s. In his youth, Gimeno was exposed to 50s and 60s exotica, world music, bossa nova and merengue music that his parents listened to which deeply influenced him. He began collecting records as a teenager and in his own words "never stopped". By 2005, he owned over 10,000 records, filling up an entire room in...
There are but a few artists who can speak from the soul of the South Side of Chicago while still holding international appeal, yet even within that talented tenth, Sulaiman’s being is a unique one. Born the son of an Imam, Sulaiman’s development amongst the civil rights history of Chicago was bound to create a keen, cerebral approach to contributing to that legacy, and with the inclusion of a vast knowledge of music of all genres and it’s healing powers, Sulaiman was destined to blaze a path for progressives from the urban environment now un-affectionately known as “Chiraq”. Yet even...
There are 2 Sulacos. (1) Sulaco can be seen as an evolution from guitarist Erik Burke's previous band, Lethargy, who played a seminal role in shaping the musical climate of Rochester's underground metal scene. Lethargy was legendary in the Rochester area during the mid 90s for crafting an often imitated but never duplicated style of ridiculously intricate carnival-esque metal that showcased cross-eyed guitar antics and blistering jazz-fusion rhythms over 10 years before it became popular in the underground. With three demos, an album (It's Hard To Write With A Little Hand, 1996) and their final EP (Discography, 1999) recorded, 1999...
Made up of Tunisian immigrants in France, Ursula Minor was formed at first as Ursa Minor by the two Aloulou brothers, Omar (bass) and Sami (vocals), who were in the punk band Stavka. They were joined by their cousin, Ali Aloulou (keyboards, guitars), selim Zaoui (drums) and a former Stavka member, Moshen Ben Shaikh (guitar, programming). Several changes have lead to the joining of Elyes Farhat (keyboards), allowing thus for Ali to take charge of Moshen who has left the band to form the band E with a former Stavka member (Zied Hamrouni). The band released in 2007 their first...
カナダ・トロントのバンド、ブルース・ペニンシュラ(Bruce Peninsula)。 五大湖の1つ Lake Huron と Georgian Bay の間に位置するブルース・ペニンシュラ国立公園の名を冠するこのグループは、ミーシャ・バウアー(ボーカル)とマット・カリー(ギター)により2006年に結成され、地元トロントを中心にそれぞれソロや別バンドでも活動するミュージシャンがメンバーとして入れ替わりながら、現在は7~10人で活動している模様。過去にはOhbijouのメンバーや、Timber Timbreのタイラー・カークも関わっていた。 .
見つかりました 196 曲, デュレーション: 09:33:43
Real Life
We Will Make It
Ruins Of Civilisation
Underground [Dark Days -2012]
Space Maze
Space Maze
Rolling In Outer Space
Wo bin ich...?
In Space (2009)
Spooky Neighbour
Shipwrecked [2016]
Endles Moment
A Sad Wind in the Streets
The Night After
Silent Music
Fields of Snow
When Time Floats Backwards
Bright Nights
02. Dealer McDope
What Is Reality
Biting Winds
Blow That Trip
The Frozen Lake
Sula Bassana
Rainstorm (Live at the Roadburn Festival 2014)
Alienfuzz (Live at the Roadburn Festival 2014)
Rossos Traum
Bright Nights (rip)