Воскресение | ja

Voskresenie (Russian for 'resurrection', but possibly a deliberate misspelling of a Russian word 'воскресенье' which is 'Sunday') is a Russian rock band founded by Alexey Romanov. Since 1969 Alexey was the leader for his own band with no certain name - originally it was called 'Wandering Clouds', then - 'Guys Who Start To Play When A Stripped Hippo Crosses The River Zambezie'. In 1974-75 he was a member of Машина Времени. Voskresenie was started in 1979, when Evgeny Margulis (bass, vocals) and Sergey Kawagoe (drums) left Mashina Vremeni due to dissolution with its leader Andrey Makarevich. They joined Romanov and...