Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard | ja

ラテンとジャズの融合を実践したビ・バップの革命児 (1917~1993)  17年サウスカロライナ州生まれ。14歳でトロンボーンを始めるが、トランペットに転向。フィラデルフィアに移住後、地元バンドで演奏しはじめ、ロイ・エルドリッジ(tp)の影響を受ける。37年にテディ・ヒル楽団へ参加するが、同僚と衝突。39年にキャブ・キャロウェイ楽団に参加。リーダーに怪我を負わせ、こちらも退団。40年頃からハーレムのクラブでジャム・セッションに参加。ケニー・クラーク(ds)、セロニアス・モンク(p)らとビ・バップを確立。42年、アール・ハインズ楽団でチャーリー・パーカー(as)と出会い、頻繁に共演を重ねる。46年以降、断続的にビッグ・バンドを結成しアフロ・キューバン音楽の大衆化に貢献。歌手のジミー・ブライソンは実娘。93年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
There are at least three artists who have used this name: 1) A Japanese visual kei band active from 1989 to 1995. 2) GILLES DE RAIS​ was also a Japanese darkwave / minimal synth / goth duo from early 80's. They have released a 7" self-titled EP and did a split flexi alongside with Phaidia. Members Mar (vocals, synthesizers) and S (guitars, voice) would later form cult act Pale Cocoon. Please, use this alternative page to scrobbleGILLES DE RAIS​ 2) A short-lived German underground black metal band with members of Herodez. Released one demo "Tiffauges" in 1996. .
Dominique is (1) a NYC based electro pop singer-songwriter (2) a Berlin based music formation, (3) a Hindi singer, (4) a US-American musician/actor, (5) a Belgian/Italian singer, (6) a Lebanese singer, (7) a Martinican/French singer, (8) as well as a Taiwanese singer, (9) a Australian singer, (10) a Romanian singer There are some tracks associated with 'Dominique' that should be filed under 'Dominique A', a French singer and songwriter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominique_A). (1) Dominique is a 21 year old singer-songwriter currently studying at NYU. Her debut single 'It's Only You' co-produced with ZeniF charted in the Hype Machines Top 50 popular tracks...
The group consists of: Annette Maye, clarinets Gürkan Balka, oud, singer Murat Coşkun, percussion, singer .
見つかりました 57 曲, デュレーション: 07:49:45
Dame, vostre doulz viaire (Virelai)
Tres douce dame que j'aour (Ballade)
Messe de Nostre Dame: Kyrie eleyson
Primer Tono: Authentus Protus - Statuit ei Dominus
Quinto Tono: Authentus Tritus - Circumdederunt me
Chansons: Les tres doulx yeux du viaire ma dame
Chansons: En regardent vostre tres doulx maintiens
Chansons: Adieu, adieu mon joieulx souvenir
Septimo Tono: Authentus Tetrardus - Viri Galilei
Chansons: Dueil angoisseus rage demeseurée
Chansons: Pour prison ne pour maladie
Chansons: Les tres doulx yeux du viaire ma dame
Sexto Tono: Plagis Tritus - In medio ecclesie
Dominique Vellard: Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Octavo Tono: Plagis Tetrardus - Domine ne longe
Chansons: Pour prison ne pour maladie
Chansons: Je me recommande humblement
Chansons: De plus en plus se renouvelle
Chansons: Adieu m'amour et ma maistresse
Chansons: Se la belle n'a le voloir
Chansons: Jamais tant que je vous revoye
Marie-Madeleine et Notre Seigneur
Chansons: Adieu mes tres belles amours
Iustus ut palma [Gallus: Alleluia, 9th Century]
Chansons: Amoreux suy et me vient toute joye
Chansons: Adieu mes tres belles amours