Same-Sex Dictator | pl

There are two bands using this name: 1) Black/Funeral Doom Metal, Dark Ambient one-man band from Cyprus. 2) A band from Norway, founded by some of the members of the Humor Death Metal band Coprophagia. 1) The sombre entity that is Dictator passed away some time in mid-2005. Dictator ended his own life and thus began his dark journey through death as a Dark Ambient/Noise project - an exploration of the decadence of existence and the chaos of the human psyche - which had one release see the dark of night after months of endless torture in the dungeon also...
The Great Dictators is a Danish 7-piece folk-collective. The band was formed in June 2011 as a trio by frontman Dragut Lugalzagosi, and shortly after the final constellation was a reality. All 7 guys love all kinds of grand emotions, catchy tunes, strange and not so strange instruments, soothing ballads, swinging bar-hymns, Americana-warmth and Nordic melancholy, and their goal is to combine these elements in their music. The band released a trilogy of EP's in 2012. Their debut album Liars is released on February 24 2014. Dragut Lugalzagosi (singing) Jakob Lundorff (saw, autoharp, glockenspiel) Kristoffer Albris (banjo, mandolin, harmonica) Hans...
The Dictators are an American punk rock band from New York City. In 1975, they released their first album, 'The Dictators Go Girl Crazy', making them the first NYC punk band to release an album on a major label. Their infectious version of "California Sun" got a huge response. They are considered, to this day, very influential in the genre's development. The Dictators are represented in the "Punk Wing" of the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Steven Van Zandt called them,"The connective tissue between the eras of the MC5, The Stooges, the New York Dolls, and the punk explosion...
Znaleziony 4 piosenki, Trwanie: 15:36
Get Out Of My Dreams And Into My Trunk
Beyond Thee Anti Lord Beat