human league | pl

League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients. In League of Legends, players assume the role of an unseen "summoner" that controls a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a structure which lies at the...
Human Nature is a vocal group from Australia. They released their first album, 'Telling Everybody', on 2 December 1996, and it went on to earn triple-platinum status. The first single from the album was "Got It Goin On" which established the bands success. "Telling Everybody", "Wishes", "Don't Say Goodbye", "Whisper Your Name", and "People Get Ready" were also released as singles. The group helped build their reputation by working as support acts for Michael Jackson and Céline Dion on their respective Australian tours. The band teamed up with John Farnham for "Everytime You Cry" which was one of the biggest...
1. Human Error (wlasciwie Rafal Kuczynski) - Ambient , pl 2. Human Error - Melodic Death Metal, au Human Error (wlasciwie Rafal Kuczynski, ur. 21 maja 1982, Polska). Undergroundowy tworca mlodego pokolenia, zajmujacy sie muzyka elektroniczna glownie ambientem. Komponuje przy uzyciu komputera oraz klawiatury sterujacej. Pierwsze produkcje datuje sie okolo 2000 roku, zas pierwszy oficjalny album ukazal sie w roku 2002 nakladem wydawnictwa Requiem Records. W 2003 roku wygral konkurs na najlepszy remix utworu, organizowany przez serwis Kolejny sukces odniosl w 2004 roku na organizowanym przez Dom Wspolpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej "Przegladzie Europejskiej Sztuki Internetowej" w Katowicach, gdzie...
The Human League to jedna z najbardziej innowacyjnych i popularnych brytyjskich grup początku lat 80., której synth pop wywarł wpływ na twórczość Soft Cell, Culture Club czy Duran Duran. Kompozycje grupy, która powstała w 1977 roku, począwszy od debiutanckiego longplaya "Reproduction" (1979), oparte były głównie na dyskotekowych rytmach i brzmieniu syntezatorów. Największą popularność przyniosła grupie wydana w 1981 roku płyta "Dare", na której znalazł się wielki singel "Don’t You Want Me Baby". Potem były kolejne - "Mirror Man" (1982), "(Keep Feeling) Fascination" (1983) i "The Lebanon" (1984). W latach 90. o Human League słuch zaginął. W 1995 roku powstał longplay...
SuperHuman – simply one of the best rock band in Baltic region of Europe was formed in 2004 by guitarist Uldis, a well known rock musician from Riga, Latvia. “It was a tough road.’’ he explains, “It took almost a year to find the right people who really know how to rock’ n roll. We are all about playing pure rock’ n roll, attitude and all – accept it, or step back, just listen to our music – it speaks for itself!” Uldis says with a grin. The sound of SuperHuman is a blend of heavy guitar riffs and great...
Znaleziony 133 piosenki, Trwanie: 09:52:20
Human (Extended Version)
Being Boiled (Dominatrix 2021 Remix)
Being Boiled (Re-Work)
Being Boiled - (The Human League)
(Keep Feeling) Fascination
Human League
Human League
Almost Medieval
Monster Human
Don't You Want Me (Karaoke Version)
Don't You Want Me (The Human League)
Don't You Want Me (Karaoke Version)
Don't You Want Me
Dont You Want Me (N.E.R.Y. & L.O.O.P Bootleg RMX)
Human League - Human (12 Inch Extended Version )
Human (URFRIENDS Remix)
Never Let Me Go (Aeroplane Remix)
Human (Extended Version)
Keep Feeling Fascination(супер хит)
Human 2006 [Magic Remix]
Human League
The Human League - Never Let Me Go (Aeroplane Rmx)
The Return To The League Of Humans (Dakeyne)
Don't You Want Me (N.E.R.Y & L.O.O.P Bootleg Nix)
Don't You Want Me (Morsy Mix)
Seconds (Antony Toga Unlimited Orchestra Mix)
The Human League - (Keep feeling) Fascination
Night People
Behind The Mask
Being Boiled (Fast Version)
Into The Night
Don't You Want Me
Single Minded (2011)*
Empire State Human
Human (Shep Kennybone Remix)
Human (Accapella Version)
Don't You Want Me (Longer Ultratraxx Request Mix)
Rather be Human (Better Quality)