Herois De La Katalunya Interior | pl

The Heróis do Mar ("Sea Heroes") were a portuguese rock band formed in March of 1981, by Paulo Pedro Gonçalves (guitar), Carlos Maria Trindade (keyboards), Tozé Almeida (drums), Pedro Ayres Magalhães (bass) and Rui Pregal da Cunha (lead singer). The band members went their separate ways in 1990. .
Once described as "if Spaceman 3, My Bloody Valentine and Stereolab joined forces to have Brian Wilson produce their record in 1967" by the Northeast Performer, Boston's Auto Interiors combines the garage sounds of yesteryear with a modern approach. Formed originally in 1999, the quintet featured members Eric Waxwood (vocals, guitar), Larry Mansdorf (guitar), Tom Girard (bass), Dan Dooley (organ, keyboards), and Pat O'Shea (drums), with O'Shea eventually being replaced by Dan Crow. In addition to playing out locally (and performing live on such Boston radio stations as WBCN and WMBR), Auto Interiors have made believers out of New York...
Social Interiors: Rik Rue, Julian Knowles, Shane Fahey Influenced by musique concrete, media cut-up, film sound, location sound, rock music production techniques and acoustic measurement tests, the group's eclectic sound materials and compositional practices have pioneered a soundscape genre, attracting wide critical acclaim. One of the primary forces that inspired their subtle and transformative approach to composition is their combined love of their country’s natural environment. Dedicated to uncovering some of the unique character inherent in Australia's aural landscape, the joy of planning and executing of field trips into the natural world and the subsequent appraisal of the collected material...
Project of Russian artist Oleg Hurvatov who makes drone/(space-)ambient-orientated music, yet also delves into genres like noise and electronics. He currently lives in Moscow and is the owner of the independent label "InterioRepertoR". He's also in other musical projects such as: Exploplasmatic Coagulation, Lanceolaria Im Licht Der Laterne, etc. More information: https://vk.com/club26925590 https://vk.com/club5288808 https://vk.com/o.hurvatov http://www.discogs.com/artist/798465-Interior-Disposition .
Grupa INTERIOR została uformowana z początkiem 2004 roku. Po wielu zmianach personalnych zespół poszukiwał wokalisty. Przełom lipiec / sierpień to okres intensywnej pracy nad nowym materiałem oraz początek jego rejestracji w Studiu - Milejów, w tym samym czasie do grupy dołącza wokalista - Hubert z nieistniejącego już lubelskiego Catalepsy. Po prawie rocznej przerwie w aktywnej działalności grupy dochodzi do pierwszego koncertu nowym składzie w lubelskim klubie "Hades" 12 Października w ramach cyklu koncertów "Nie taki diabeł straszny..." u boku Abusiveness i Convent. Od tego czasu zespół aktywnie gra koncerty, a także kończy pracę nad materiałem. Styczeń 2005 to okres ukończenia...
Znaleziony 3 piosenki, Trwanie: 09:27
Cowboys de la Catalunya Interior