Plenty of Nails | pl

Nine Inch Nails - amerykański zespół muzyczny grający rock industrialny, założony przez Trenta Reznora w 1988 w Cleveland. W latach 90. grupa działała w Los Angeles (tam zostały nagrane Broken EP z 1992 i album The Downward Spiral z 1994), w drugiej połowie lat 90. Na pewien czas przeniosła się do Nowego Orleanu (gdzie została nagrana płyta The Fragile z 1999), jednak w 2005 powróciła do Los Angeles. Utwór "Dead Souls", w wykonaniu Nine Inch Nails, z repertuaru grupy Joy Division znalazł się na soundtracku filmu "Kruk" ("The Crow"). Z kolei utwór pod tytułem "Just Like You Imagined" z płyty...
Japoński zespół powstały w 2004 roku w Ibaraki. Charakterystyczną cechą grupy jest wysoki, dziecinnie brzmiący głos wokalisty. Muzycy: 江沼 郁弥 (Fumiya Enuma) - wokal, gitara 新田 紀彰 (Noriaki Nitta) - gitara basowa 中村 一太 (Itta Nakamura) - perkusja Byli muzycy: 吉岡 紘希 (Hiroki Yoshioka) - perkusja .
Snails is a name of at least two acts: (1) A Moldova alternative rock band (2) A Frédérik Durand pseudonym (1) A Chişinău, Moldova, alternative rock band with members: Lilian Severin (vocals, guitar), Vitalie Colits (bass guitar, backing vocals), Igor Buzurniuc (guitar, backing vocals) and Mircea Sturza (drums). Their album releases include: Undeva and Nu-mi Pasa. (2) A pseudonym of Montreal, Canada, producer / DJ Frédérik Durand. Sites: SoundCloud and Discogs .
There are three bands that use the name Nails. None of which are to be confused with the two artists that use the name The Nails: 1. A grindcore band from California 2. A hardcore band from Texas 3. A hardcore band from Germany 1. Nails is an extreme metal/hardcore punk band from California, that started as a 3-piece until the inclusion of Andrew Saba (formerly of Bad Seed and Harm's Way). Formed by Todd Jones, who had previously played in Carry On, Terror, and still an active member of both Internal Affairs and Snake Eyes. Musically they cover styles...
There is more than one band called "The Nails". None of which are to be confused with artists named Nails, which now redirects to its own page as opposed to this one. 1 . The Nails, a new wave band from Colorado, United States which formed in 1977, best known for the novelty hit "88 Lines About 44 Women" 2. The Nails, a dark metal band from Azerbaijan which formed in 2007 1. The Nails were a New Wave rock group formed in Boulder, Colorado, United States in 1977 and consisted of Mark Campbell (vocals), Steve O’Rourke (guitarist), Douglas Guthrie...
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