Musique Simili | pl

Brytyjski zespół muzyczny z Liverpoolu założony w 1992 roku przez Johna Power' a (wokal, gitara) po opuszczeniu The La' s. Skład kapeli uzupełnili Peter Wilkinson, Liam "Skin" Tyson, Keith O'Neill. .
Musique Noise belongs to the string of French groups that found their main inspiration in Magma's music, but it sounds very different than most of them. Most of the "zeuhl" groups (the progressive rock style derived from Magma's legacy) focused on further developing Christian Vander's martial rhythms and dark rituals. Musique Noise turned its collective attention to the lighter side of things, using intricate three-part vocal arrangements, positive energy, and a sense of humor rarely found in this field. The group released only one album during its eight years of existence. The name does not translate to "noise music." "Noise"...
Italian producer (born in Lecce), now located in Berlin. His album Focus For Infinity was released this year (2011) on Live At Robert Johnson label. Also released some stuff on labels such as: Balihu Records, Rush Hour Recordings, Meakusma, Needwant Recordings .