Ном | pl

Olexandr jes pierwszym reprezentantem Ukrainy na konkursie Eurowizji. W 2003 roku z piosenką "Hasta La Vista" zajął dopiero 14. miejsce. .
NOM is an acronym for the russian "Informal Youth Organization" used by the official soviet press in 80's. The band "NOM" appeared in St. Petersburg in 1987 as an absurdico-ironical answer to the great number of "rock" groups in post-soviet Russia. Official site НОМ на wiki Cтраница о творчестве Дмитрия Тихонова, известного как Александр Ливер --------- HOM = NOM = H.O.M. = Ном Correct your tags!!! When you press the N, O, M keys on an english keyboard while using the Russian IME input, it types HOM. .