Kaiser | pl

The Kaisers were a Scottish beat/garage rock group, known for their masterful replication of the sights and sounds of the British beat boom of the early '60s, right down to their throwback album covers and merchandise. Their music, a potent mix of classic rock 'n' roll covers and originals, was intentionally subjected to the technological limitations of the '60s, being recorded live in the studio with an absolute minimum of overdubs and mixed in monaural sound. All members of the band, whose line-up was subject to a number of changes, bore the title "Kaiser" as a prefix to their given...
Henry Kaiser, born in Oakland, California, on 19 September 1952, is a widely-recorded experimental guitarist and frequent collaborator with other musicians from the San Francisco Bay Area. His grandfather was the industrialist Henry J. Kaiser. He is considered a member of the "first generation" of American free improvisors, reflecting influences from European free players including, among others, Derek Bailey and Evan Parker. In 1978, Kaiser founded the Metalanguage Records label with Larry Ochs (Rova Saxophone Quartet) and Greg Goodman. Kaiser was a member of the aggregation French Frith Kaiser Thompson, together with fellow experimental musicians John French, Fred Frith, and...
KAISERREICH was formed in September 2004 by the will of Serpent Est (Chants), Necrobosco (Guitars), Krieg (Drums) and T. Morgan (Bass). On February 2005, once T.Morgan left the band, Necrobosco took his place as bassist. In May, a new guitarist come in the name of Elfire. Finally the band chooses its moniker as KAISERREICH. First live show has been performed the 31st October 2005. A month later, Abraxas joins the oath under the sign of KAISERREICH. In early 2006, KAISERREICH recordered the eight tracks of their first full length, named KRRH. Elfire left the band in Spring 2007. During the...
Alternatywna, brytyjska formacja Kaiser Chiefs powstała w 2003 roku w Leeds, jednak jej początki sięgają roku 1996 i grunge'owej grupy Parva. Jako, że muzycy są wiernymi kibicami drużyny Leeds United, nazwę Kaiser Chiefs zaczerpnęli od południowoafrykańskiego klubu piłkarskiego Kaizer Chiefs Football Club, w którym wcześniej grał Lucas Radebe - kapitan Leeds United. Debiutancki singiel zespołu, "Oh My God", ukazał się w maju 2004 roku nakładem Drowned In Sound Records i uplasował się na 66. miejscu UK Singles Charts. Natomiast już drugi singiel Kaiser Chiefs - "I Predict a Riot" - zawędrował na miejsce 22. W lutym 2005 roku grupa otwierała...