Embers | pl

Swollen Members to hip-hop-owy zespół powstały w 1999r w Vancouver (British Columbia, Kanada). Główną rolę gra duet Mad Child (Shane Bunting) i Prevail (Kiley Hendriks). Shapiro w swoim przewodniku po Hip-Hop-ie nazwał ich najbardziej innowacyjnymi ludźmi w świecie hip-hopu. Częstym kolobatorem jest Moka Only (Daniel Denton) i Rob The Viking. SM wydał już 4 albumy i jedną kompilację. Zadebiutowali albumem Balance (1999) sprzedanym w nakładzie 50 000 płyt. Do stworzenia Balance przyczynili się: Everlast, Divine Styler, i Dilated Peoples. W 2001 roku album zdobył dla Swollen Members nagrodę Best Rap Recording. Następny po Balance został nagrany i wydany album zatytułowany...
Embers of Life is a symphonic melodic black metal from Russia (Perm) featuring both female vocals and growls. .
There are at least three bands called Embers. 1. from Oakland, CA 2. from Manchester, England 3. from Flanders, Belgium 1. Embers, formed in 2004 from Oakland, CA has emerged on the fringes of the North West Cascadian Black Metal scene. They have shared the stage with bands such as High on Fire, Eyehategod, Ludicra, Nachtmystium, Wolves In The Throne Room, Withered, Book Of Black Earth and many more groundbreaking crust and metal acts. As a serious project, Embers has been on two extensive European tours that spanned over 11 countries. They have also completed one National tour and five...
There are two bands called The Embers: an American beach music band and a country rock band from Sussex in England. 1. The Embers are a popular beach music band that were popular during the 70's and 80's. They sang the famous "I Love Beach Music". The Embers have been Playing beach music around the Carolinas since 1958. The Band was formed by drummer and band leader Bobby Tomlinson. There first nation wide song was " Far Away Places" in 1969 on the MGM label. 2. The main picture is of the country rock band from Sussex. The Embers formed...