Boris Mashalov | pt

Boris Brejcha começou a construir sua sólida base musical tocando bateria e teclado desde os 6 anos. Suas influências e entusiasmo por sons tecnológicos o levaram , em 2001, a abandonar os velhos instrumentos e começar a trabalhar com música eletrônica. Sua promissora carreira na cena minimalista começou em 2006, lançado pela aclamada Autist Records, chegou a Top*1 de downloads no site e foi considerado o “talento especial do ano de 2007” pela, que intitulou suas produções como “a alta tecnologia minimalista”. Seu CD de lançamento foi o primeiro a sair, exclusivamente pela Harthouse. E foi através dele...
Boris Berman is a Russian pianist and pedagogue (b. Moscow, April 3, 1948). He was a student of Lev Oborin at the Moscow Conservatory. He made his debut in Moscow in 1965. He joined an early music ensemble, at the time the only one in Russia, as a harpsichordist. At the same time he worked with contemporary composers such as Alfred Schnittke and Edison Denisov. He played in the first Russian performances of works by Arnold Schoenberg, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Luciano Berio and György Ligeti. In 1973 he was permitted to leave the Soviet Union for Israel. In 1979 he went...
Alexei Borisov (Алексей Борисов) was born in 1960 in Moscow, USSR. In 1983 he graduated from Moscow State University, History Department. He started his music career in 1980 as a guitarist of the first Moscow new-wave band The Center (Центр). In 1981 with guitarist Dmitry Matzenov he organized THE PROSPEKT (Проспект), big-beat-ska-mod band. In 1985 with the keyboard-player Ivan Sokolovsky (Иван Соколовский) he formed the first russian techno-industrial-post-rock band NOTCHNOI PROSPEKT (Ночной Проспект). This project is still active, playing concerts and taking part in different festivals in Russia and abroad. NOTCHNOI PROSPEKT released six albums, one of them (Sugar) has...
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