Twin Peaks | zh

Twinz is a musical duo out of the Long Beach, California, the Twinz consist of Deon "Trip Loc" and Dewayne "Wayniac" Williams. After working with Warren G on his debut "G-Funk Era", the Twinz released their debut album Conversation in 1995, during which they found modest hits with "Round & Round" and "Eastside LB". This album is now considered an overlooked classic. On Tha Eastsidaz debut album, "Snoop Dogg Presents Tha Eastsidaz", The Twinz were featured on the track "Dogghouse" under the name Tha Locs. There were rumours around that The Twinz signed a deal under the name Tha Locs...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Twinkle (born Lynn Annette Ripley, 15 July 1948, Surbiton, Surrey, England - 21 May 2015) was a singer-songwriter. She made #4 in the U.K. at the end of 1964 with her self-penned debut "Terry," a maudlin disc about the death of a (fictional) biker boyfriend. "Leader of the Pack" it wasn't, yet the record caused a furor, with accusations of bad taste leading to its ban from the BBC (and, most likely, aiding its rapid rise to popularity). Only 16 at the time, Twinkle owed her rapid entry into the...
极地双子星,不知道是谁给苏格兰乐队 Cocteau Twins 起了这个中文名字。然而不论如何这却成为了 Cocteau Twins 最为国内乐迷所接受的一个译名。 成立于1979年,三名成员,主唱Elizabeth Fraser,吉他手Robin Guthrie,贝斯手最初是Will Heggie,后换成Simon Raymonde。Cocteau Twins是4AD第一代乐队中的佼佼者。那还是个4AD在非主流界独领风骚的年代。旗下的Bauhaus、Dead Can Dance与Cocteau Twins,在当时大兴迷幻阴暗风潮,Bauhaus领导了歌特音乐,Dead Can Dance成为了宗教与民谣音乐的领头人,而Cocteau Twins作为新古典主义、Dream-Pop风格的先驱和仙乐风格的开山鼻祖,已成为了该乐派直至今日的不二代表乐队。 在1982年,Cocteau Twins发行第一张专辑Garlands》时,乐队还带有相当狂野的歌特风格,主唱Elizabeth Fraser此时还未使用日后成为她标志的假声,作品大多以简约和弦的失真吉他作为主线,搭配迷离的贝斯,再加上Fraser高亢的唱腔,有时能听出一点类似Grunge般强势的气息。这也就不奇怪为什么有人会给早期的Cocteau Twins定义为Post-punk乐队。这时Cocteau Twins的音乐还算不上真正意义上的"仙乐"。而在此之后1984年发行的《Treasure 》则正式奠定了他们的新古典主义仙乐路线,这成为了Cocteau Twins的一块里程碑。Elizabeth Fraser在这张唱片中开始发掘出她声音的多变性,分别以假声与真声演唱两个不同的声部,并在后期录音时将它们合二为一,充分使她声音中低音的磁性与高音的缥缈的双重特质共同展露出来。Elizabeth Fraser被评为英国独立音乐界最美的女音,模仿者不计其数(比如王菲)。那种迷幻,带着一种冰冷得如同钻石般的美,亦真亦幻。这张专辑充满了中世纪音乐强烈的巴洛克风味,优美但是却不乏震撼力,当年被多家杂志评为年度最佳,Elizabeth Fraser也被评为最佳女歌手。乐评界称这张专辑为"The Voice Of God"。 到了80年代中后期以及90年代初,Cocteau Twins的曲风日趋成熟老道,但更加偏向于流行的轨道。《Victorialand》、《Heaven Or Las Vegas 天堂或拉斯维加斯》等一系列专辑,我们能明显感到"仙乐"曲风逐渐减少,Dream-pop大比例压上。在发行了数十张专辑与EP后,Cocteau Twins离开了4AD。1998年,在发行了最后一张专辑《Milk & Kisses 》后,Cocteau Twins正式解散。 毫无疑问,Cocteau Twins是现代音乐中的一个奇迹——即使没有万人馆的现场演出和几百万的唱片销量;几乎没有任何商业宣传,并始终对媒体保持着低调的态度,但他们的音乐却进行了一场悄无声息的变革——深刻的改变了人们对音乐的认知观念,重新定义了80年代的后朋克音乐和所谓"4AD之声",影响了90年代以及之后的几代音乐家:无数乐队曾公开表示 Cocteau Twins 的音乐对他们产生了巨大影响,甚至包括Prince、Madonna、Annie Lennox 和 A Perfect Circle这些风格迥异的艺人;而被看作是独立音乐界的传奇乐队如Slowdive、My Bloody Valentine、Lush、Curve等都曾受益于 Cocteau Twins 的音乐启示并在他们所拓展的疆土中创作。 Cocteau Twins标志性不可模仿的声音,为他们赢得了世界范围内的无数乐迷的由衷喝彩与爱戴,即使在乐队解体数年之后,热情不减的乐迷们仍期津津乐道Elizabeth Fraser那些不为人知的谜样的隐语,搜集乐队一切未曾发表的哪怕最微不足道的音乐片段,试图揭开始终围绕他们的神秘面纱,并最终期待他们的重组,虽然这在乐队成员来看是不可能发生的事情。 .
There at least two different representatives of the name Twine. 1) Baltimore, Maryland's Greg Malcolm and San Diego, California's Chad Mossholder comprise a unique musical entity. Twine is the culmination of their extended history, which includes their acclaimed 2002 LP Recorder for France's Bip-Hop and their distinguished catalogue for Chicago's Hefty Records and Sweden's Komplott. Their sound contains a mysterious and unresolved quality, the result of the musical relationship which the group's two main practitioners share. Making music together from across the country, their collaborations are exercises in postmodern abstraction. Songs become experimentations in the virtual realm, with files bounced...
找到了 195 歌曲, 持续时间: 04:41:21
Twin Peaks Theme
Twin Peaks Theme
Twin Peaks
DJ Dado – Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks
A Cup of Coffee in Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks
Falling (OST Twin Peaks)
Into The Night
Limited Event Series Soundtrack (album 2017)
Twin Peaks Theme
Season Two - Part I, aurium
Just you and I
Theme from Twin Peaks
Fire Walk With Me (album 1992)
Fire Walk With Me - Part I, aurium
Twin Peaks OST
Fire Walk With Me
Season Three - Part II
Twin Peaks CD1
Extended Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks 2017 Mixtape
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Theme
30 mins of main theme [800% slower]
Twin Peaks 2990
Twin Peaks (Remix)
The Red Room
Twin Peaks
Music of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks (Movie Theme)
Twin Peaks Theme (va)
The Black Lodge
Twin Peaks theme (cover)
Aphex Twin Peaks
Just You and I
Twin Peaks Theme