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Authentizität, Direktheit, Konfrontation und Ehrlichkeit – das sind Schlagwörter, die am besten seine Persönlichkeit beschreiben. Er selbst sagt von sich: „Courage ist für mich kein Name, sondern eine Lebens- einstellung“. Und das kann jeder bestätigen, der jemals mit ihm in Kontakt gekommen ist. Mit rappen begann er zwar erst im Jahr 2006, dem HipHop aber ist er schon seit dem er denken kann verfallen. Genauer gesagt seit 1996, in Zeiten, als die Dosen noch gezockt und nicht bestellt wurden und so mancher seiner Fans noch im Hoden seines Dad..s vor sich hinvegetierte. Von da an bombte er seiner Umwelt seine...
Kid Courageous are an Australian pop rock band from Sutherland Shire in New South Wales, formed over four years ago. They signed to Indie label RockSugar Music and released their first single Is She Really Going Out With Him? early last year, claiming their place on the ARIA charts. Their second single Life's a Movie along with The Use Me EP also made appearances last year in the ARIA chart. Their debut album Dear Diary, was released in May 2006 (August 7 in Japan), with their second album set to be released in Japan on Radtone Music. .
Bird Courage is an experimental folk trio formed over the last two years in Brooklyn, NY. Having met in various cellars, subway tunnels and other non-conventional performance spaces, songwriters Erik Meier, Samuel Saffery, and Sean McMahon have built a fan base on multiple platforms in NYC and surrounding states. Listeners are transported by their otherworldly-earthly, yet distinctly minimalist, sounds: lilting and passionate 3-part vocal harmonies that rise and ebb like mist and ocean waves; finger-picked guitar like autumn leaves, flecked with xylophone dewdrops, descending in a twirling dance; the sudden burst, then disappearance, of a stampeding drum. Their fan base...
You can't be what you've always dreamed of being until you can't imagine being anything else in this life. You get one shot and you had better take it. With caution to the wind and hearts exposed to the open air, Lux Courageous is the next step in the evolution of everything genuine about music. When Lux was formed in 2001, PJ Tepe and Adam Loporto had good reason to come together and do something productive with their frustrations, considering the state of the world and music that specific year. Having no serious musical aspirations at first, PJ and Adam...
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Dragstrip Courage