Leaving Spain | es

Un triángulo perfecto: blues, gospel y country que podríamos incluir dentro de la new age más vanguardista. Formada a mediados de los 90 en Los Angeles por Josh Haden, compositor y voz principal del grupo, que es hijo del mítico y reputado contrabajista de jazz, Charlie Haden, fallecido en 2014. Últimamente cuenta en su formación con sus hermanas, The Haden Triplets, que han colaborado con Foo Fighters, The Decemberists, Sean Lennon, entre otros. Música tranquila y sutil que embelesa por su magnetismo y profundidad. .
Leaving Atlantis are Signe Gry Thorup from Denmark and Vesa Haapanen from Finland based in London, UK. Listen to their debut album "Strange New World" on Grooveshark. In the year 1999, Signe & Vesa met at a music college called The Powerhouse in West London. They became friends while living and experiencing the life in the big metropolis, full of edge and big dreams. Life, and a very big city, splits them up but 9 years later they meet again and discover a musical chemistry that is impossible to let slip and very quickly Leaving Atlantis is born. Signe Gry...
Leevi and the Leavings was a popular Finnish band that operated from 1978 to 2003. The band consisted of Gösta Sundqvist, Risto Paananen, Juha Karastie and Niklas Nylund. Sundqvist was the leader of the band, he composed and wrote all the band's songs as well as being the vocalist. Sundqvist was also an interesting character, he rarely gave interviews or appeared on television, although he hosted a radio program for YLE, the Finnish national broadcasting company. The band's music relied heavily on Sundqvist's tragicomedic lyrics and catchy choruses. The best example of the band's style is the song "Teuvo, maanteiden...