Bad Blood | it

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There are at least 5 Bands with the name BAD BLOOD. Probably more...

-Bad Blood (Australia) [Similar artists refer to this bad blood]

At Sydney's finest hardcore festival, HARDCORE 09, Bad Blood will be playing their last show. Make sure you get to this cause they will be sorely missed.

old school hardcore
Resist Records

-Bad Blood (U.S.A.)
South Jersey hardcore band from the mid 00's, influenced by Right Brigade and Infest. Put out a demo and full length, Played shows, did a tour with Hostages, broke up. Members are currently playing/played in Deathbeds, Petition, Outlast, Cheapshot...RIP
Double or Nothing Records

-Bad Blood (Croatia)

-Bad Blood (Brooklyn, NY)
grunge/punk rock
Dead Broke Rekerds .

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