Bumble Beezy Anthony Caine Сашмир Rover | it

Nato nel quartiere di "Spanish Harlem" da genitori portoricani, gli viene dato il nome del cantante messicano Marco Antonio Muñiz molto amato dal padre. Fin dall'infanzia manifesta interesse per la musica ed il canto, successivamente lavora nei clubs di New York come corista cantando in inglese. Nel 1991 ottiene un contratto con Atlantic Records, dopo essersi fatto notare nella band "Latin Rascals". Nello stesso anno, anticipato dal singolo Ride on the rhythm, pubblica il suo primo album "When the night is over", che raggiunge la #1 della Billboard charts. Nel 1992, Marc viene contattato dal leggendario Tito Puente per cantare...
There are at least 3 artists named Grover: 1. Sesame Street, New York City, New York (1967 - present) Originally played by Frank Oz and now portrayed by Eric Jacobson Grover is a valiant, caring blue monster who is chock-full of childlike exuberance. The boisterous little monster often gets himself into pickles by rushing into situations without weighing the consequences. Excitable Grover loves to explain new concepts, though he sometimes has a tough time expressing his thoughts clearly. Opposites are a particularly difficult idea for him to explain, but he always manages to get his point across in the end,...
There are more than one artist under name "Introvert" 1. Introvert (Metallic Hardcore band from Brisbane, Australia) Metallic Hardcore/Dark Punk Todd - Vocals Darcy - Guitar Sko - Drums Jordan - Bass Starting in the early months of 2010, Introvert (then known as Make or Break) originally began playing melodic hardcore taking after artists such as Verse and Have Heart. After a few shows and multiple bassists, the band decided they wanted something heavier, darker while also staying true to the bands love for punk, finding inspiration from artists such as The Chariot, Dangers, Trap Them and Converge. The 2010...
Georgia native Anthony David has spent his whole life writing songs. Now his riveting story telling, passionate guitar playing and stirring voice will be featured on his major label debut Acey Deucy and introduce the world to Soulbird Music, a new venture between Universal Republic Records and the multi-Grammy winning artist India.Arie. Anthony David was born in Savannah, Georgia but discovered the spark to ignite his artistic passions in Atlanta. “I had been looking all over the world for the right vibe to cultivate my song writing, explains David, “I found it here in Atlanta’s music and spoken word scene....
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