Soh Daiko | it

Soh Daiko was formed in 1979 at the New York Buddhist Church as the first taiko group on the east coast, taking as its name the ancient, pre-Buddhist characters meaning “peaceful, harmonious drums.” The name reflects the spirit of dedication and cooperation which enabled the group to flourish from its beginnings. Operating as a collective, the group received early instruction from many visiting American and Japanese taiko players, and has worked with Sensei Seiichi Tanaka of the San Francisco Taiko Dojo, taiko player and jazz musician Russel Baba, Reverend Ron Miyamura of the Chicago Taiko Group, Reverend Masao Kodani of...
和太鼓祭座(Wadaiko Matsuriza) is Japanese traditional style drums taiko player group. See profile on their web site: for info. .