Aurosonic, Denis Karpinskiy, Marie Mauri | it

numele ei real este raducu denisa emilia este nascuta pe 13 decembrie 1989 are 19 ani zodia ei este sagetator este nascuta in jud valcea e inalta 1 75 are 50 de kg culoarea ochilor este caprui culoare parului blond Hobby-uri muzica Educatie: Proaspata absolventa de liceu......... In copilarie a cantat muzica populara, iar in jurul varstei de 14 ani a fost remarcata de Florin "Peste" cu care a si inceput colaborarile. Prima ei melodie lansata este "DACA POZELE AR VORBI" impreuna cu acelasi Florin "Peste".Dupa mai multe colaborari cu el au urmat colaborari cu Crisian Rizescu,celebra melodie VINO,VINO,cantata si...
Paul Mauriat (Marseille, 4 March 1925 – 3 November 2006 in Perpignan) was a French orchestra leader, specializing in light music. Mauriat grew up in Marseilles and began leading his own band during the Second World War. In the 1950s he became musical director to at least two well-known French singers, Charles Aznavour and Maurice Chevalier, touring with them respectively. Mauriat composed the music for several French soundtracks (also released on Bel-Air) including Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk (1961), Horace 62 (1962) and Faites Sauter La Banque (1964). Many of Mauriat's recordings are recompositions of other composers' songs and music. Mauriat...
After graduating high school in Southern California in 1976, Eric went on to study at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Mass. There he studied with the legendary saxophone professor, Joe Viola. By the time he left Berklee, Eric had achieved the highest proficiency rating given by the school. In 1995, Eric was awarded the Berklee Distinguished Alumnus Award for outstanding achievements in contemporary music. He has since gone on to perform in over 65 different countries, recorded 11 solo CD's and has played on hundreds of records, films, television shows and commercial jingles. Eric started his professional career...
Maurizio Arcieri (Milano, 30 aprile 1942 – Varese, 29 gennaio 2015) è stato un cantante, attore e compositore italiano, cofondatore del complesso musicale New Dada e del duo Krisma. Fondatore del complesso beat New Dada negli anni sessanta, nel 1967 esordisce come solista con il nome d’arte di Maurizio ed incide brani quali «Il comizio», «Ballerina» e «Lady Jane», arrivando al successo con «Cinque minuti e poi...», presentato alla manifestazione Un disco per l’estate del 1968. In questo periodo, all’apice della popolarità, intraprende la carriera di attore di fotoromanzi e appare, accanto ad Orchidea De Santis, nel musicarello Quelli belli......