Dez | it

Lisette Melendez is a Freestyle, Pop, R&B/Soul and Salsa singer born in 1967 in Spanish Harlem, NYC. She is best known for her 1991 hits "Together Forever" and "A Day In My Life (Without You)". With powerful and sultry vocals, these songs propelled her debut album Together Forever to gold status with over 700,000 copies sold. Both songs were such big dance music hits that they are credited as helping renew interest in Freestyle music in the early 90s, which had been fading in popularity due to the rise of mainstream pop music and grunge at the time. Melendez has...
Recently crowned champion of popular contest Bedroom Bedlam, Dezza's music is tickling ears all over the globe. Due to the win, the new year has started off very well for D. In just 3 months, over 20 of his tunes have been signed to respected labels within the Electronic music world (Motivo, Silk Digital, Solarscape, Oryx, Nellie...) With Recent support from the likes of Paul Van Dyk & Tiesto, This Summer is looking very promising for this Halifax based producer. More solid and strong releases are scheduled. One thing is for sure…watch out for Dezza in 2009! For Bookings &...
Leopoldo Méndez Alcayaga is a Chilean DJ, singer and producer better knows as DJ Méndez or simply Méndez. He was born in Valparaiso, Chile in 1975. That’s where he began producing his music, which is a mixture of rap and Latin rhythms. Some of his songs like “Estocolmo”, show-through a Latin song the attitude and opinion of Latin American migrants to lands so different from theirs as the Scandinavian countries. He has two number-one hit singles in Chile, Fiesta (House Party) and Lady. The emerging interest for the Latin American music in Europe was one factor in the acceptance and...
Federico Lucia, meglio conosciuto con lo pseudonimo Fedez, (Milano, 15 ottobre 1989) è un rapper italiano. Muove i primi passi nel mondo della musica partecipando a varie gare di freestyle, per giungere nel 2008 alla finale piemontese del TecnichePerfette 2008. Nel 2006 incide il suo primo EP intitolato Fedez con DJ S.I.D. e Cidda. Nel 2010 incide il suo primo mixtape BCPT. Prendono parte al mixtape artisti come Emis Killa, G. Soave e Maxi B. Sempre nel 2010 incide un altro EP intitolato Diss-Agio con Vincenzo da Via Anfossi e Dinamite prodotto da JT. All’inizio della sua carriera fa parte...