Buddy Moss | ja

バディ・ホリー(Buddy Holly、1936年9月7日 - 1959年2月3日)は、アメリカのミュージシャン。本名はチャールズ・ハーディン・ホリー(Charles Hardin Holley)。ロックンロール草創期に活躍したことで知られる。 しゃくりあげるような裏声を用いて独特のアクセントをかもすヒーカップ唱法や、軽快なビートが特徴である。 愛用のギターは赤いフェンダー・ストラトキャスターで、アコースティックギターが全盛だった当時は新鮮であった。1960年代にデビューしたミュージシャンには、彼の影響でストラトキャスターを手にしたと語る者も少なくない。 彼のバンド、バディ・ホリー&ザ・クリケッツはギター2本とベース、ドラムスでバンドを編成し、後のバンドの基本的な形となった。当時はロックでもいわゆるビッグバンドスタイルが主流だったが、金がない彼らは、巡業では4人のバンドメンバーだけで演奏することが多く、結果的にそのスタイルが定着した。最悪、バディとドラムのジェリー・アリソンだけで回ったこともある。結果、ビートルズなどの後世のロックバンドに大きな影響を与えた。 活動後期にはヴォーカルのダブル・トラックやストリングスの導入など、レコーディング・テクニックの可能性を追求し始めており、存命し続けていればさらなる音楽的成長が期待できたとも言われている。 1986年に、ロックの殿堂入りを果たした。 ビートルズ、ホリーズのバンド名は、彼にちなむ。 .
Armando "Buddy" Greco (August 14, 1926 – January 10, 2017) was an American jazz and pop singer and pianist. He has sold over one million records in several genres. Buddy Greco was born Armando Greco in Philadelphia. His mother introduced him to piano at the age of four. At an early age he was singing and performing on the radio and during his teens in Philadelphia clubs. When he was 16, he was hired by Benny Goodman and toured worldwide. He spent four years with Goodman's orchestra, singing, playing piano, and arranging. After leaving Goodman at the age of 20,...
Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan as James Moss, the son of Gospel star Bill Moss, Sr., James spent much of his childhood on tours with his father's popular group, Bill Moss and the Celestials, and his cousin's group The Clark Sisters. As an early teen, Moss was teamed with his brother Bill Jr. in the singing duo The Moss Brothers. They toured on weekends around the midwest and recorded two major label albums during their seven years together. In this period James developed as a keyboardist and burgeoning songwriter. He was also learning first-hand the business of music. He...
There are two artists using the name Mossy: 1) DJ Mossy 2) Christian Mossuto (aka. Mossy) Hailing from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Mossy (pseudonym of Christian Mossuto) takes popular classical and modern music and spins it into an entirely different experience. .
Buddy Rich was an American jazz drummer and bandleader. He is widely considered to be one of the best drummers of all time, known for his virtuoso technique, speed, and power. From 1966 until his death, he led a successful big band in an era when the popularity of big bands had waned from their peak in the 1930s and 40s. He received no formal drum instruction and went so far as to claim that instruction would only degrade his natural talent. He also never admitted to practicing. He claimed to play the drums only during performances and was not...
見つかりました 35 曲, デュレーション: 02:08:32
Cold Country Blues
I've Got To Keep To The Highway
How I Feel Today
Betty And Dupree
I Got A Woman, Don't Mean Me No Good
Red River
Step It Up And Go
It Must Have Been Her
Oh Lawdy Mama
That'll Never Happen No More
Everyday Seems Like Sunday
Gravy Server
That'll Never Happen No More
Comin' Back
Midnight Rambler
Oh, Lordy Mama
Misery Man Blues
Hard Times Blues
Hurry Home
Stop Hanging Around
Back To My Used To Be
Every Day, Every Day
Broke Down Engine No. 2
It Was The Weary Hour Night
Hard Time Blues
Come On Around To My House
When I'm Dead And Gone
Chris Moss Acid - Acid Buddy
Chris Moss Acid - Acid Buddy Part 2