Topas | ja

There are at least three artists with this name: 1) A short-lived krautrock band from Germany. They formed in 1979 and disbanded in 1980. 2) An europop band from Germany, released two singles in 1992. 3) There was an other europop band from Germany, with only one released single. .
Hectopascal consists of Dorothy's Magic Bag and Liquid Stranger. Hailing from Sweden, the duo creates an intricate and detailed range of electronic grooves, ranging from melodical electronica, to more agressive beat driven IDM. .
A band from Winston-Salem, NC & Brooklyn, NY... triple distilled pop magic. the cool thing to do. Rock and roll with respect for the ancient formulas and sly innuendo in the usage thereof. Automatic passion. seeming to occur without apparent cause. prone to spontaneous song making and genre deconstruction. listen for them and expect to see them change shape all the time .