Robert McCreedy | ja

Roberto Carlos (born April 19, 1943 in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo, Brazil) initiated a major revolution of customs in Brazil in the '60s. Reaching success in a period coinciding with the youth movement started by the The Beatles that was taking over the world, Carlos was the leader of Jovem Guarda ("Young Guard") . He led the TV show that became a generic denomination of a musical style and what was a definitive change of face to the Brazilian phonographic market and of the very art of marketing itself (with the advent of an aggressive merchandising of the JG's...
Robert Cray (born August 1, 1953, Columbus, Georgia) is an American blues guitarist and singer. A five-time Grammy Award winner, he has led his own band (the Robert Cray Band), as well as an acclaimed solo career. In 2011, Cray was inducted to the Blues Hall of Fame. While Cray was among artists such as Stevie Ray Vaughan and George Thorogood who got wider radio airplay and regular MTV video exposure during the late 1980s, he started playing guitar in his early teens. At Denbigh High School in Newport News, Virginia, his love of blues and soul music flourished as...
Robert Lippok was born in Berlin in 1966. He founded To Rococo Rot in the '90s with his brother, Ronald Lippok, and Stefan Schneider. He has released Falling into Komeït (2004) and Robot (2006) and is an active visual artist as well. .
言わずもがな、イタリアン・ドリーム・ハウス(?)の貴公子。スイス生まれイタリア育ちの彼は、幼少期よりピアノを習い、13歳からハウスDJとして活動。80年代後期は、ベニスのクラブ・シーンで"ロバート・ミラーニ"と名乗り活躍し、同時に作曲活動を開始させた。 ――96年、戦火により荒廃したユーゴスラビアで撮影された写真からインスパイアされた「Children」が、ドイツ/フランス/オランダ/ベルギーといったヨーロッパ各国のチャートを軒並み席巻。トリップホップからプログレッシヴ・ハウス、果てはハード・ロックやエスニック調の民族音楽までをグローバルかつ友好的に結集したキャッチーなサウンドで、絶大な人気を博している。流麗なピアノの煽情的な旋律は効果抜群。無茶かと思われるミクスチャーを強引にさらりとやってのける根性も凄い。ひたすら反復を続ける音楽に免疫のない人は、ここからトランス・マラソンをスタートさせるのもよいかと思われる。 .
Julie Roberts (born February 1, 1979, in Lancaster, South Carolina) is an American country music singer. She is best known for her 2004 break-through hit, "Break Down Here" and her 2006 remake of Saving Jane's "Girl Next Door". Roberts began performing country music as a child. When she was in junior high and high school, she toured with her family, playing at festivals in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. She also performed at area nursing homes (where she developed an appreciation for blues music); and worked at Carowinds (a theme park in Charlotte, North Carolina) and Dollywood. A graduate...