Lorree K Montgomery Slye | ja

鋭い感覚で硬軟にわたりジャズ・ギターを開拓した革命児 (1923~1968)  ジャズ・ギターの開祖チャーリー・クリスチャンに続く革命児が、このウェス。“プライマリー・ウェポン”は独学で編み出したオクターヴ奏法。右手にピックを持たず、親指だけで弾いた。2男、5女の子沢山の父親だったせいでデビューは遅く、36歳前後、長男のモンク、末弟バディの3兄弟で活動を開始した。ジャズ界の中央に飛び出すなり脚光を浴び、同業者たちを戦々恐々たる思いにさせ、たまらずコルトレーンがウェスをツアーに連れ出した一件にその凄さが伺える。66年のグラミー初受賞と前後してポップ路線へ転じ、クロスオーヴァーの雛形となるスタイルとマナーを創出。硬派ファンの苦言を浴びながら、歴史に残るCTI三部作の完成直後の68年、逝去。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
aka Ken Montgomery, egnekn, Ministry of Lamination etc. .
Andrew Montgomery used to front the critically acclaimed Scottish band Geneva and is now working on a comeback as a solo artist together with songwriter and producer Sean Mcghee. According to british press Andrew is one of England's best vocalists and the coming solo album will be recorded in London in January 2010. UPDATE: Andrew has just released his first solo album, 'Ruled By Dreams', on October 5th 2014. The 10 track album can be purchased through all the normal outlets and from Ruledbydreams.com The album has been getting strong reviews in the UK music press and airplay coverage across...
The oldest of the three Montgomery brothers, Monk Montgomery has the distinction of being the first significant jazz electric bassist, starting on the instrument in 1953. He actually did not start playing bass until he was already 30, but was soon strong enough to play with Lionel Hampton's Orchestra (1951-1953). He played in the Montgomery-Johnson Quintet in Indianapolis with his brothers Wes and Buddy (along with tenor saxophonist Alonzo Johnson and drummer Robert Johnson) during 1955-1956. Monk moved to Seattle, was joined by Buddy, and they formed the Mastersounds, a popular quartet (1957-1960). He played occasionally with his brothers in...