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All-female pop band started in 2001 with three girls: Виктория Петренко, Юлия Горанина and Виктория Воронина. A year after their debute, two of the girls Виктория Петренко and Юлия Горанина left the band. They were remplaced with Ольга Морева (georgian-russian singer) and Ирина Яковлева (russian singer) The band then changed their style, from the rapping lyrics they moved into more poppish signing. Their lyrics were always written by Вика Воронина (russian-ukrainen) .
Будни Лепрозория (Budni Leprozoria; Leprosarium's Weekdays) are Soviet and Russian post-punk band from Tomsk, Siberia, formed in 1988. They played avant-garde jazz-punk somewhat similar to James Chance & Contortions, but tending towards more artistic and less dissonant music. .
Наташкин Атомный Мусоропровод(Natasha's Atomic Trash Chute) is an Aggro-Industrial band from Ryazan, Russia. During 1999-2004 they released 3 albums and 1 EP. Line-up for their most prominent record "Техноязычество" ("Technopaganism"): Dizorder - vocals & programming/synths (also in The A.I. of Rah, Shakram Rogue, Maitreya Dusk); Mattsah - all guitars. According to Dizorder's words, the new album is coming soon. .