Eleven Hundred Springs | it

Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (Long Branch, 23 settembre 1949) è un musicista e cantautore statunitense, fra i piú rappresentativi della musica rock ed è soprannominato The Boss. I vari dischi di Springsteen si sono alternati tra album rock commercialmente accessibili e opere folk piú cupe. Parte del suo enorme successo deriva dalle sue performance dal vivo: maratone musicali di 3 ore e piú, spettacoli di energia pura, travolgenti, trascinanti e passionali, dove il Boss non si risparmia mai. In carriera ha guadagnato circa 1,6 miliardi di dollari, raggiungendo la terza posizione nella classifica delle piú alte retribuzioni nel mondo musicale...
Two bands share the name Room Eleven. (1) a band from New Jersey, United States, that had a local hit with Chris and Jane back in the mid 1990's. Band Members were Jeff Hack (vocals and acoustic guitar); Link (guitars and vocals); Mark Maurizi (bass); and Johnn Swayne (drums). A Dutch band with a diverse, playful, melancholic, funky and nostalgic sound. Room Eleven was composed of singer Janne Schra and guitarist and composer Arriën Molema. The band later on included keyboard player Tony Roe, contrabass player Lucas Dols and drummer Maarten Molema. Room Eleven was founded when the plucky, aspiring...
Level Eleven is a dance act produced by Mauro Farina, Antonio Puntillo and Roby Arduini. Singles: "Thank U", "Sexy Boy", "Rapture", "Kiss Me", and "Underwater Love". .
The Hundred Acre Woods, a folk/punk band based in Philadelphia, formed in the latter half of 2009, aims to convey a message that is both young and old. These Philadelphia transplants blend the honesty and sincerity of traditional folk music with the raw energy and drive of punk rock. Drawing influence from both the fast-paced city life, and their suburban roots, The Hundred Acre Woods break the traditional “rules,” of both punk and folk, creating a new and refreshing sound characterized by driving banjo hooks and rich vocal harmonies. The songwriting team of Reinhardt and Stevens culminates in a duality...
11/11/2004, Nine Eleven (Tours / Le Mans, Riot States Killers / No Time To Lose) was born from the ashes of common passions and from the love shared by its members for the Spermbirds, Nirvana, Bane, black metal, ambiant moroseness and the foretold next 40 years of collective blooming in the loneliness of daily work, televirtual life, mass sendentarisation, the scenestar "cool attitude" on internet forums and the cynicism of a speech pre-formated by a rotten youth nourished with the feeding bottles of the entertainment industry... Not to mention the "cool" uniforms chemically enhancing the "cool" alternative French world, the...