Blood Groove Kikis | it

There are at least 5 Bands with the name BAD BLOOD. Probably more... -Bad Blood (Australia) [Similar artists refer to this bad blood] At Sydney's finest hardcore festival, HARDCORE 09, Bad Blood will be playing their last show. Make sure you get to this cause they will be sorely missed. old school hardcore Resist Records -Bad Blood (U.S.A.) South Jersey hardcore band from the mid 00's, influenced by Right Brigade and Infest. Put out a demo and full length, Played shows, did a tour with Hostages, broke up. Members are currently playing/played in Deathbeds, Petition, Outlast, Cheapshot...RIP Double or Nothing...
Formed at the beginning of 2013, Royal Blood are a 2-piece band from Brighton, East Sussex, UK. Having known each other for years in different bands, Mike Kerr (Bassist/Vocalist) & Ben Thatcher (Drums) finally came together and went into the studio to record ‘Figure It Out’ – the first track that brought attention to the band. At the tail end of 2013, Royal Blood released ‘Out of The Black’, their debut single on Black Mammoth Records. The band released their debut album ''Royal Blood’' on 22 August, 2014 which sold 66,000 copies in its first week. .
I Groove Armada sono un duo inglese di musica elettronica, originario di Cambridge, formato da Andy Cato - al secolo Andrew Cocup - e Tom Findlay. La loro attività ha avuto inizio nella prima metà degli anni'90 nei club di Londra. Groove Armada era il nome una discoteca kitsch di Newcastle in voga negli anni '70, dove il duo incontrò il suo primo pubblico. Pare che la loro unione ebbe come madrina la fidanzata del polistrumentista (eccelle in particolare con il trombone, il basso e le tastiere) appassionato di house Andy; è lei ad introdurlo al milieu musicale di Cambridge...
Pax Japonica Groove is a project by house musician 黒坂修平 (Kurosaka Shuhei) which began for the purpose of helping promote world peace by means of unlocking the natural, harmonious spirit of Japan. Pax Japonica Groove's live sets can include up to ten different domestic and international musicians and collaborators on stage, while their performances focus on crossing genre boundaries, expression of the mind and body, and giving emotional excitement to their audience. .
Steven Eugene Grove, meglio noto come Euge Groove, sassofonista statunitense, è nato nel 1962 a Hagerstone nel Maryland ed è approdato tardi (2000) come solista sulla grande scena jazz ma aveva già collaborato con i Tower of Power e in seguito con i 3rd Force .