Pablo Espinosa y Jorge Blanco | it

Rico Blanco (born March 17, 1973) is a Filipino musician. He is one of the founders of Filipino rock band Rivermaya, where he served as vocalist, pianist, guitarist, and chief songwriter from 1993 to 2007. Blanco has so far recorded, written and produced more local and regional number one hits than any other musician since 1994, and has sold over a million albums in the Philippines and Southeast Asia during that period. For those who waited a year, Rico Blanco's new album "Your Universe" is definitely worth it. It's a defining mark in the 35-year-old musician's career, and a reminder...
Nasce a Montevideo da una famiglia di origine tedesca. Cresce nella sua città natale, nella quale studia fino a conseguire la laurea in medicina. Nonostante i suoi studi sceglie però di dedicarsi sempre di più alla musica fino alla pubblicazione del suo primo album nel 1992. Da quel momento comincia ad attirare su di sé le attenzioni di vari musicisti e critici, fino a quando, nel 1995, viene invitato a trasferirsi in Spagna, dove vive tutt'ora. Fino ad oggi ha pubblicato nove album, l'ultimo (12 segundos de oscuridad" è uscito nel 2006. Nel 2004 scrive la canzone "Al otro lado...
Bon-Bon Blanco (sometimes abbreviated B3), is a Japanese music group consisting of five girls. Santos Anna on vocals, Izumi on congas, Mako Sakurai (桜井 真子 - aka Mako) on maracas, Ruri on bongos, and Tomoyo on timbales. They are the singers of Get Backers' second ending: Hurricane of Tears. and One Piece fourth opening Bon Voyage .
A certified vet and a rookie at the same time, bay area bred Blanco has contributed to over 15 albums in only 7 short years. 'American Psycho' is his debut CD and is an enlightening journey that will lead him to his rightful place among rap royalty. An obvious student of the game, Blanco adjusts his delivery in spots to suit today's lyrical climate, but he does nothing to sacrifice who and what he is. .
Trovato 9 canzoni, durata: 18:46
Verte De Lejos (OST Виолетта)
Entre Tu Y Yo (Live in The U-Mix Show)
Te Esparare минус
Alguien ha ocupado mi lugar
Hoy Somos Mas