ЕГОР КРИД, Denis Bravo | it

numele ei real este raducu denisa emilia este nascuta pe 13 decembrie 1989 are 19 ani zodia ei este sagetator este nascuta in jud valcea e inalta 1 75 are 50 de kg culoarea ochilor este caprui culoare parului blond Hobby-uri muzica Educatie: Proaspata absolventa de liceu......... In copilarie a cantat muzica populara, iar in jurul varstei de 14 ani a fost remarcata de Florin "Peste" cu care a si inceput colaborarile. Prima ei melodie lansata este "DACA POZELE AR VORBI" impreuna cu acelasi Florin "Peste".Dupa mai multe colaborari cu el au urmat colaborari cu Crisian Rizescu,celebra melodie VINO,VINO,cantata si...
There are at least three bands with this name: 1# An argentinian Melodic Rock / Hair Metal band best known for their single "Te Recuerdo". Formed in 1990, they recorded their debut album "Desierto Sin Amor" and released it in 1991, containing the hit single "Desierto Sin Amor". In 1992, the second record,"Sacrificio", is a bigger success thanks to the hit "Una Larga Historia de Amor" and "Angel". In the next year, they release a third album titled "3", including their biggest hit "Te Recuerdo". The album is very Pop-influenced compared to early releases. In 1994, the lead singer (Cae)...
Denison Marrs was formed in Lakeland, Florida in 1996, but early fans know that they previously performed under the name of Divine Child, with a single album release, "Every Seven Minutes". Although it represents their earlier days in music, tracks like "Blatantly" and "Everyday" still command attention from the then aspiring band. As Denison Marrs, they crafted their sound primarily from 90's rock with a bit of 80's sheen thrown in - comparisons can be made to early Smashing Pumpkins, the Cure, Radiohead, etc. Denison Marrs took these influeces and ran with them, creating a unique space rock soundscape that...
Trovato 4 canzoni, durata: 11:09
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Отпускаю (Denis Bravo Radio Edit) 2022
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