Branch | ja

ミシェル・ブランチ(Michelle Jacquet DeSevren Branch Landau, 1983年7月2日-)は、アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州フラッグスタッフ市出身の女性シンガーソングライター。母方の血がオランダ、インドネシア、フランス、父方の血がアイルランドということで、東洋的な雰囲気を合わせ持つ。デビューシングル「エヴリウェア」(Everywhere)が大ヒットとなり一躍有名になった。次いで2003年には、サンタナとのコラボレート曲「ゲーム・オブ・ラブ」(The Game Of Love)でグラミー賞を獲得した。ブランチの曲は10代~20代の若い男女を中心に広く受け入れられ、その後にデビューしたアヴリル・ラヴィーンやヴァネッサ・カールトンといった女性アーティストと共に注目を集めている。 .
There are more than one artist with the name Branch, #1) Fast melodic punk from Togliatty, Russia The fast melodic punk/hc from coast of Volga - from Tolyatti city. The group has gathered in the summer of 2004 in structure of 3- the person. There was no vocalist. In the winter it has been found. Participants earlier played all other collectives. In the beginning 2005 active concert activity in clubs of city has begun. In this structure have been written down 2 ЕР - "Day after day" (2005) and "Qualities&Quantities" (2007). The first record was not published, and was circulatied...
One of five bands: 1. Branches - Los Angeles, CA - Indie/Folk Rock - Best friends turned band-mates, the lady and gentlemen of Branches are an independent, self-writing and self-producing collective. Birthed in a living room in the suburbs of Los Angeles in 2010, Tyler, Natalie, Jacob, Mitch, Tyler, and Mike spent their first year together making friends, playing shows, and writing and recording the songs for their EPs ("O, Light!", "Cabin", "Merry Christmas") and their full-length ("Thou Art The Dream", released 2/12). In their debut EP, 'O, Light!', and their sophomore release, 'Cabin', Branches offered an eight-song sample of...
This band is one you have to see live to fully appreciate. More rantings than a talk show - but incredibly powerful,musically. .