Electro F | ja

ELECTROCUTICA(エレクトロキューティカ)とは、Treow(とれおぅ)と喜多嶋時透(きたじま しずか)が主宰する連盟。 2010年2月7日 00作目の音源「Hysteresis(ヒステリシス)」発表と共に始動した。 或る政略の遂行のために結成されたプロジェクトである。 作曲・音楽監督・総合プロデュースをTreowが担当、ビジュアル(PV・イラスト・デザイン)制作と企画・ディレクションを喜多嶋が担当し、作品毎に流動的に展開する形態を取り、多様なアーティストが参加している。 主宰の2人が大学で音楽・美術を専攻していた縁で結成され、西洋古典芸術の影響を受けつつも様々な要素を取り入れた折衷表現が特徴。「'10年代のアーティストの在り方を問う」をテーマに、活動フィールドを限定せず実験的な創作・流通を行う。 プロジェクト名は、「electrocute(=感電死させる)」と「electronica(電子音楽を包括的に指す言葉)」をかけた造語。略称はキューティカ。 ELECTROCUTICAには3つのラインがあり、同時進行で制作している。(時期によって偏る場合もある。) 1.自主制作 2.コラボレーション  ELECTROCUTICAの主宰。作曲家が複数いる状態。コンピレーションアルバムや共作など。 3.挑戦  クライアントワーク、楽曲提供など 公式サイト:http://www.electrocutica.com .
Electrobelle are Charlotte Sanderson (Voices) and Barry Mallon (Noises). They met in the autumn of 2007 through mutual friend and producer J P Braddock. Since then they have collaboratively produced meaningful electro-pop that is instantly accessible, but with hidden depths that reveal themselves as the listener becomes more intimate with the songs. All Electrobelle songs are written by Barry Mallon and Charlotte Sanderson, and are programmed and produced by Barry Mallon. Barry was at primary school in 1981 and has fond memories of listening to his older brothers playing The Human League's Dare album and Jean Michele Jarre's Equinox through...
Consumer Electronics is a power electronics band formed in 1982 by UK-based noise artist Philip Best at age 14. Best later went on to join the noise group Whitehouse, and Consumer Electronics subsequently became inactive. It was revived briefly during the 90s for a collaboration with Merzbow, and after Best left Whitehouse in 2008 he has once again started making music as Consumer Electronics, this time with help from Gary Mundy, previous bandmate of Best from Ramleh and Male Rape Group, and Mattin. .
Deviant Electronics is Brighton-based producer Ciaran Walsh, whose introduction to electronic music came from parties like Club Dog and the free party scene of 1992-93, with events like Castlemorton and live techno/trance acts such as Eat Static. Having been involved with music in various forms from an early age, the transition from ‘real’ to electronic instruments was a natural one. His most noticeable album is called Blunt Instruments which consists 9 highly experimental and unique tracks which blend drum&bass, idm, electro and various psychedelic elements all in one. It was released in 2000. His first tracks appeared in 2 EP's...
見つかりました 105 曲, デュレーション: 12:00:55
White Sensation
Песня о разлуках и о мечтах
Flight Electro Souls
Electro Ninety
Dance of Electro
Become One
В ритме электро
Музыка в машину ♫
Звёздный архитектор
Electro House
Вслед за мечтою
Electro Jamix
Electro Rodeo
flight electro souls
Electro Phonk
А ў лузі, лузі [Electro Mix]
Сила (Electro)
Electro House Summer
Electro Divinity
electronic magnet
Electro Freestyle
Electro Spartans 7
Electro Цунами
Deep House and Electronica Box Set
Electronic Dance
Electronic annihilation
Электронная музыка
Electronic Feelings
Firework (Dubstep Remix)
Mahamrityunjaya mantra (electro house edit)
Moscow Electronic
Electronic Malfunction(Paul Denton Remix)
Дарк электро умирает
Alive (Ph Electro Remix)
В ритме электро